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Renaissance Ridge Development Continues After Some Delays

Renaissance Ridge, our Nelson County housing development that incorporates high-quality design, sustainable construction and community connectivity, is continuing its progress towards breaking ground in early fall.

Renaissance Ridge is proud to be working with the Nelson County Community Development Foundation (NCCDF) to attract special funding to support this endeavor. During the early days of the project, Renaissance Ridge had its sights set on using grant money from DHCD, awarded in March of 2021, part of the $24 million in Affordable and Special Needs Housing loans that were awarded for 28 projects across Virginia. Together with funding from private sources, Renaissance Ridge planned to make approximately one-third of the homes eligible for people who live or work in Nelson County.

Since that time, the scope of the project has evolved to the extent that the scoring for the grants has changed significantly as has the timing. As a result, DHCD along with the Renaissance Ridge team have decided that the best thing is to reapply for funds in the near future once all the permits are in place. In the meantime, Renaissance Ridge and NCCDF have identified other funding entities that are interested in supporting the workforce model in Nelson, with hopes of increasing the number of workforce units significantly. This is an improved economic model that will better serve our greater community.

Renaissance Ridge, in alignment with the Wintergreen Master Plan will reflect some of the housing types and price ranges based on the precedent set during Wintergreen’s Comprehensive Development History. The mission of Renaissance Ridge is to develop an intergenerational housing community made up of workforce and market-rate custom cottages and homes, maximizing open green space and livable sustainability.